Back to: U.S. Philippine Pesos

U.S. Philippine Pesos (Proof):

| 1903 | 1904 | 1905 | 1906 | 1907 | 1908 |

Price Guide: 1903 Peso (Proof)


(Click Photo to Elarge)

Estimated Values for PCGS-Graded
1903 Proof Peso
PR68 $50,000
PR67+ $26,000
PR67 $10,000
PR66+ $6,500
PR66 $5,250
PR65+ $4,000
PR65 $3,200
PR64+ $2,350
PR64 $1,900
PR63+ $1,400
PR63 $1,100
PR62+ $850
PR62 $675
PR61 $500
PR60 $425

Disclosure: The MonsterCoinMart (“MonsterCM”) United States Philippine Peso Price Guide (“Peso Price Guide”) prices apply only to PCGS-graded coins. The Peso Price Guide is a guide to assist both collectors and dealers in determining values for Mint State and Proof 1903-1936 “USPI” Peso coins. The prices listed in the Peso Price Guide are compiled from various sources by MonsterCM, but keep in mind that the prices are just a guide: a starting point for asserting value. Some coins sell for less than the prices listed and some coins sell for more than the prices listed. The coin market is volatile and thinly capitalized. Significant short-term price swings are always possible. MonsterCM, its principals, owners and representatives do not guarantee a profit or guarantee against a loss for any coin you buy or sell based on the information contained in this Peso Price Guide. You buy and sell rare (and common) coins at your own risk. Furthermore, MonsterCM, its principals, owners and representatives do not guarantee the accuracy of any price in the Peso Price Guide.

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